Episode 57: Unlearning Silence, why 'Just Speak Up' isn't enough

Archita and Olivia are back with another episode of the Embracing Only Podcast and this time they are joined by Elaine Lin Hering, an author, facilitator and public speaker. Elaine makes a bold statement that “just speak up” is actually bad advice that leaders should not be encouraging in their team members. 

Elaine continues this sentiment by delving into how to be inclusive as a leader and how you need to design a communication strategy that benefits your whole team in order for everybody to be heard. They also speak about bullying in the workplace, choosing your battles and when staying silent as a leader becomes destructive. 

This is a deep dive into the importance of communication as a leader and how to create a team of both introverts and extroverts that feel consistently heard, valued and appreciated. This is an episode that every leader or aspiring leader needs to listen to.

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